Reintroducing Sanity

I spent the entire last month trying to learn Unreal Engine so that I could reboot my game with that engine, but alas, that particular path proved to be somewhat of a dead end.

The blocker proved to be what appear to be bugs in the landscaping tool. My plan had been to dramatically reduce the complexity of the base texture layer to reduce VRAM usage, and then sculpt a smaller navigable area for the game map that had realistic detail, but the sculpting tools appear to be absolutely busted in 5.3, leaving me pulling my hair out. 

I have since gone back to Godot, this time 4.1.3, as I believe that the newer 4.2 series has issues. In doing so, I decided to start fresh with a 3D project. My productivity has exploded with Godot, and I've already recreated 80% of what took me an entire month in Unreal in a matter of a few days under Godot. The results are better looking, with vastly better performance. I'm getting hundreds of extra FPS compared to Unreal, without the visual artifacts that Unreal was creating.

I'm probably closer to releasing some sort of playable build now than I was with Unreal, and I'm hoping to have something early next month for people to actually try out the core gameplay loop!

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