A downloadable game for Windows

This is a brand new build of the game in full 3D. Currently it features a large open world, with lighting and shadows. There are now many enemies, which can be attacked with the "Q" key, or with the "W" key for a ranged AOE attack. In the future attacks will be mapped to Q, W, E and R. The enemies currently do a small amount of damage, and they begin to respawn after about a minute.

Click or hold down the left mouse button to move to where the mouse cursor is. Hit escape to pause or exit the game. Use the scroll wheel to zoom the camera in and out.

It's currently set to run full screen, at 1920x1080 resolution. It appears to work at other resolutions, but more testing is needed. Resolution detection will be added later.

Very much a work in progress, but suggestions are appreciated!

2/28/2024 Changes:

Added some knockback and particle effects to the attack, worked to improve the feel and responsiveness of attack input.

3/1/2024 Changes:

Added health bars.

3/2/2024 Changes:

Enemy now has an attack. Player can take damage and die. Improved the fade effect when the enemy dies.

3/3/2024 Changes:

Added a basic ranged AOE attack, triggered by the "W" key.

3/4/2024 Changes:

Added a pause menu, changed game to run fullscreen.

3/7/2024 Changes:

Added animated damage numbers to the enemy.

3/8/2024 Changes:

The humble beginnings of an HUD, with a health bar that changes color if you lose too much health.

3/10/2024 Changes:

Added spawn points for enemies, with a respawn timer. Changed how the AOE attack works to make it pulse several times. Added a working mini-map.

Made withInkscape, Godot, Blender
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


ActionRPG_03_10_2024.zip 164 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip it and run the exe inside to test it out, no installation required. Smartscreen might get whiney because I didn't (and can't) sign it, so you might have to override it. There's a dll with it for the terrain plugin that I use, which must be kept in the same directory as the game itself.

Development log

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